Saturday, March 27

Mission complete

Friday the gang heads to Myrtle Beach with Tony at the helm. Son David follows in the Cirrus, sometimes coming alongside to photograph his father on his first DC3 piloting. On arrival the wind is variable 250-300 degrees and over 18 knots. Tony's first landing was an intersting prospect. Tony and David leave the crew here and head back to Florida in their plane.
The passengers have had a good outing and are quite happy, except that the flight home turns out to be quite chilly. They are forced to fly a bit high to stay over the clouds and he mountains. The cloud tops were at 8975 ft and the Flagship was at 9000, skimming the tops. At one point John came up and told them to please get lower as everyone was freezing...a flight I think I am glad to have missed. Lewis was flying this leg to Smyrna and made the second finest DC3 landing Gene has ever witnessed.
Now it is Lewis' turn to bid adieu. He had left his car in Nashville on his trip to Texas to meet the Flagship and gets a ride back to that airport with one of our member/passengers. He has been on the road 12 days.
John Thatcher flies the final leg back to Shelbyville. They make a low pass over the runway and a low circle over town to tell everyone that the ship is back home. George Dennis is ready with a home cooked steak dinner to welcome them back.

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