Friday, July 11

Dayton Air Show 2014

Testing engines prior to Dayton Show

The Dayton Air Show is one of the oldest in the country and also one of the best run. We are, after all, in Orville and Wilbur's home town, a fact that is evident from the art work on the concrete lining the interstates to the art work and displays in the hotel. This is an aviation city.
Intrepid travelers Steve Jacobson, Jim Skelly and Peggy Fairchild found their way to Tulsa by various means on Thursday last and launched for Shelbyville, TN on Friday morning,along with Jim Gentry. Meanwhile, Gene and Sheryl Christian had driven to Shelbyville and Tony and Judy DeSantis had flown up from Stuart, FL in their own plane, packed to the gills with Judy's sound equipment. The group was rounded out by Blake Butler and Lisa Loague. Lisa is our newest member and lives in Bowling Green, KY. She is a tireless worker and a  real asset to the group. We left Tennessee in late afternoon and arrived Dayton in early evening to find lots of eager volunteers just dying to help us.
Dawn in Tulsa before leaving for Dayton

We were issued two large autos and headed to our hotel where there was a patio party going on with live entertainment. For air show participants there was also free food and beer and wine. Many of the show participants know each other from years on the circuit and so there was a lot of visiting and camaraderie. The air show provided free lunch each day and parties each night with free food and entertainment. After the first night, we opted to dine on our own as the air show parties were outside and we were dying for air conditioned comfort after being out all day.
While we were not overwhelmed, we had good crowds most of the day which largely evaporated during the actual air show. Nevertheless, they were very appreciative of our airplane, knowledgeable about aviation and generous with their donations. Many children got their photos taken with Captain
Judy on top of the world
Tony in his period uniform. And Judy entertained with her singing interspersed with history lessons tirelessly. Her efforts were appreciated by all. The skies were mostly overcast, but other than two brief sprinkles, the rain skirted the field. During the breaks the crew reorganized the set up box, the galley and the cargo space.
Show headliners were the Blue Angels and we enjoyed their show both days. The Aero Shell Team was also there and they always put on a good show. We were visited by a three star General from Wright Patterson on the second day.
Jim Gentry left on Sunday morning to return to Tulsa. On Monday morning Jim Skelly, Peggy and Jake all took the airlines to their various destinations. That left six of us to fly the plane back to Shelbyville where we were met by George Dennis. The plane will remain in Shelbyville at least until the middle of July to do some membership flights and a couple of check rides.
Jim Gentry, Jim Skelly, Tony and Judy DeSantis, Blake Butler, Lisa Loague, Gene and Sheryl Christian, Steve Jacobson and Peggy Fairchild

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