Blake and Gene after successful checkride. |
Monday and Tuesday are long days in the air followed by late nights going over material for the oral exam. It is hard work. Blake is a good student, but very nervous, as all our candidates for Captain before him have been.
Late Tuesday afternoon the word comes in that the Augusta show has been canceled. Due to the government shut down, they have failed to receive their paperwork from the FAA sanctioning the show. This is a deflating moment for everyone. Because the plane is already in position close by, that show would have been almost pure profit for the Flagship.
On Wednesday about 7AM, Gene, Dave and Blake left to meet the examiner for the check ride. They expected to return around 4PM or so. Sheryl and Gene had invited everyone to their house for dinner that night. Tony and Judy had flown in from Hilton Head where they spent a few days and Steve Jacobson had come from Ft. Worth. We were also being joined by our newest pilot member, Allen Murray. Just before four, Steve and Sheryl went to the airport with a cooler of beer for the road weary crew. Shortly after arriving, Sheryl received a text from Blake that he had passed his exam but Dave's had not yet started. Leaving the cooler in Gene's truck, Sheryl and Steve returned to her house. It was 7:30 PM when the fliers finally returned. What an ordeal!!
Corks popped, toasts were made, dinner served. The wine flowed along with the never ending flying stories accompanied by uproarious laughter. Folks started dropping out to return to hotels. However, two of the crew who shall remain unnamed stayed up until 3AM still celebrating. They heartily regretted it next morning.
Dave, Blake and Gene after long day testing. |
Friday morning, Steve and Dave left for the Atlanta airport. Gene and Blake left for the Covington airport, where Blake would fly his Bonanza home and Gene would start training Allen. Judy and Tony will stay in Covington until Sunday visiting friends and sight seeing.
Hopefully these last three posts show that although the crew of the Flagship love what they do, the times spent together with the airplane are long hours and hard work.
The next gig is Stuart Air Show in Florida the first weekend in November. This is always fun and well attended.
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